There is no denying that learning vocabulary is considerably beneficial for ESL learners, mainly when it is regular. It is therefore vital for ESL instructors to be aware of all the changes or rather strategies to anticipate students when planning for vocabulary lessons. These will not only help ESL students maintain conversations but develop their writing style as well.
It is again vital to know that ESL students find it very pleasant learning new words the fact that enhances their confidence, feel great satisfaction developing their skills in English. This article is intended to list some brilliant tips for ESL teachers to help improve their students’ vocabulary.

Some Hacks to Motivate Students
The first tip on this list is Vocabulary Book. Make a list of the words you plan to teach. Put these words in a mini book. Photocopy the book and give a copy to each student. Choose 5 to 10 words each week for a spelling test. Create a chart on the wall with the students’ names with their scores. For sure, this will motivate the students to learn additional words.
Try to tease the students’ memories through recycling. It is a good practice for students to recycle the words they learnt so they do not forget them. Don’t forget to use the Vocabulary Books to practice all the words they have previously learnt. At least once a week have the students read out all the words from the book that they have learnt.
Another tip to teach vocabulary is flash cards. Try to create ESL flash cards for each word you wish them to learn. Stick these words on walls. Get students involved in a game that asks them for finding a given word.
Plan & Challenge
Planning for games in the classroom can help students increase their vocabulary. There are many ESL games for practicing vocabulary. Offer to play a game at the end of the ESL lesson if the students finish their work and behave well.
Challenge your students for difficult or new words. Ask students to find new words at home and bring them into the class. They can cut words from cereal boxes, newspapers and magazines. Offer a prize to the students who succeed to bring new words. You can even ask them to explain them for their classmates.
Brainstorming is an excellent way to test the students’ vocabulary in a given ESL topic. It is also a great way to review the words that students have been studying during a lesson or the previous week. The teacher writes a topic on the board and the students offer as many words they think these words relate to the given topic.
For sure, there are plenty of activities and games to anticipate students and thus engage them into the learning process. Yet, ESL teachers need to mind that vocabulary tasks require both time and effort to suit the students’ expectations.