Simple Tips to Earn Extra Cash while Online

True that Get-Paid-To posts and articles are going viral these days, but in fact, very few stand out from the crowd. Most of those publishers target referrals, traffic to websites, generating leads or simply visits; I mean nothing like a great deal. It is important to mind that it is hard to cash out or achieve the minimum withdrawal amount as it needs time and energy on websites and platforms.

However, there are some new ways, new websites and platforms that offer a small but constant amount of money. It is true that it is not that much, but it can be turned into a part time job in your spare time. You can work and earn extra cash while online.   

The lines below will walk you through two main methods that are tested and legit: working on PPC websites and mining platforms.

Become a Clicker

The platforms I present here do not take more than 5 to 8 minutes, and their rewards start from 0.05 $ to 0.50 $. It depends on the region and tier your country you belong to. Actually, there are tasks for all. The main thing is that they are free.  

My first platform pays thousands of dollars to clickers around the world, and with their user-friendly dashboard you can earn extra income in your spare time while you are online. It is true that to become a clicker, you need to meet some requirements, but they are not that hard.

You must be a real person, accessing the platform from a real, unique IP address. Mind that you needn’t play with their system. Don’t use VPN or proxy settings; otherwise, you will be banned. You need to install their browser Extension. It is as simple as clicking, and I mean it.

An icon will appear in your browser toolbar, log in and starting working. You will have orders, both direct links and searches, to complete. Follow instructions and reload your page of earnings.

Become Ads Viewer

My second platform is another free PPC sites where you can earn up to 0.11 per session. Again, it is another user-friendly platform with many features. They do have referral program and paid plans if you are ready to invest. Users with paid plans will receive up to 7$ daily, both clicks and HTML scripts to use on their blogs and personal sites. I personally opt for a paid plan.

I hope you find the platforms worth exploring and working on. Again, it is about small rewards but constant. I again hope you enjoyed reading this post, and I really want you change thinking of working online. Don’t land upon sites without reviewing, check other sources and ask friends and colleagues for any experiences to share.

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